Magnum in RDO OpenStack Liberty

Manual installation from source code

Want to install Magnum (Containers as a Service) in an OpenStack environment based on packages from RDO project? Here are the steps to do it:

|Primary steps are the same as official Magnum guide, major differences come from DevStack or manual installations vs packages from RDO project.

Also, some of the steps are explained to show how Magnum should work, as well this guide can help you understand Magnum integration with your current environment.

I\'m not going to use Barbican service for certs management, you will see how to use Magnum without Barbican too.

  • For now, there is not RDO packages for magnum, so we are going to

    install it from source code.

  • As i know, currently magnum packages are under development and will

    be added in future OpenStack versions to RDO project packages.

    (Probably Mitaka or Newton)

Passwords used at this demo are:

  • temporal (Databases and OpenStack users)

  • guest (RabbitMQ)

IPs used are:

  • (Service APIs)

  • (External network range)

  • (Tenant network range)

  • (Google DNS server)

First we need to install some dependencies and packages needed for next steps.

sudo yum install -y gcc python-setuptools python-devel git libffi-devel openssl-devel wget

Install pip

easy_install pip

Clone Magnum source code from OpenStack git repository, ensure you use Liberty branch, if not, Magnum dependencies will break all OpenStack services dependencies and lost your current environment (Trust me, i\'m talking from my own experience)

git clone -b stable/liberty

Move to your newly created folder and install Magnum (dependency requirements and Magnum)

cd magnum
sudo pip install -e .

Once Magnum is installed, create Magnum database and Magnum user

mysql -uroot -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON magnum.* TO'magnum'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'temporal';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON magnum.* TO'magnum'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'temporal';

Create Magnum folder and copy sample configuration files.

mkdir /etc/magnum
sudo cp etc/magnum/magnum.conf.sample /etc/magnum/magnum.conf
sudo cp etc/magnum/policy.json /etc/magnum/policy.json

Edit Magnum main configuration file

vi /etc/magnum/magnum.conf

Configure messaging backend to RabbitMQ


rpc_backend = rabbit
notification_driver = messaging

Bind Magnum API port to listen on all the interfaces, you can also especify on which IP Magnum API will be listening if you are concerned about security risks.


host =

Configure RabbitMQ backend


rabbit_host =
rabbit_userid = guest
rabbit_password = guest
rabbit_virtual_host = /

Set database connection



Set cert_manager_type to local, this option will disable Barbican service, you will need to create a folder (We will do it in next steps)


cert_manager_type = local

As all OpenStack services, Keystone authentication is required.

  • Check what your service tenant name it is (RDO default name is

    \"services\" other installations usually use \"service\" name.



As we saw before, create local certificates folder to avoid using Barbican service. This is the step we previously commented

mkdir -p /var/lib/magnum/certificates/

Clone python-magnumclient and install it, this package will provide us commands to use Magnum

git clone -b stable/liberty
cd python-magnumclient
sudo pip install -e .

Create Magnum user at keystone

openstack user create --password temporal magnum

Add admin role to Magnum user at tenant services

openstack role add --project services --user magnum admin

Create container service

openstack service create --name magnum --description "Magnum Container Service" container

Finally create Magnum endpoints

openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne --publicurl '' --adminurl '' --internalurl '' magnum

Sync Magnum database, this step will create Magnum tables at the database

magnum-db-manage --config-file /etc/magnum/magnum.conf upgrade

Open two terminal session and execute one command on each terminal to start both services. If you encounter any issue, logs can be found at these terminal

magnum-api --config-file /etc/magnum/magnum.conf
magnum-conductor --config-file /etc/magnum/magnum.conf

Check if Magnum service is fine

magnum service-list
| id | host       | binary           | state |
| 1  | controller | magnum-conductor | up    |

Download fedora atomic image


Create a Glance image with Atomic.qcow2 file

glance image-create --name fedora-21-atomic-5 \
                    --visibility public \
                    --disk-format qcow2 \
                    --os-distro fedora-atomic \
                    --container-format bare < fedora-21-atomic-5.qcow2
| Property         | Value                                |
| checksum         | cebefc0c21fb8567e662bf9f2d5b78b0     |
| container_format | bare                                 |
| created_at       | 2016-03-19T15:55:21Z                 |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                |
| id               | 7293891d-cfba-48a9-a4db-72c29c65f681 |
| min_disk         | 0                                    |
| min_ram          | 0                                    |
| name             | fedora-21-atomic-5                   |
| os_distro        | fedora-atomic                        |
| owner            | e3cca42ed57745148e0c342a000d99e9     |
| protected        | False                                |
| size             | 891355136                            |
| status           | active                               |
| tags             | []                                   |
| updated_at       | 2016-03-19T15:55:28Z                 |
| virtual_size     | None                                 |
| visibility       | public                               |

Create a ssh key if not exists, this command won\'t create a new ssh key if already exists

test -f ~/.ssh/ || ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Add the key to nova, mine is called egonzalez

nova keypair-add --pub-key ~/.ssh/ egonzalez

| Now we are going to test our new Magnum service, you have various methods to do it. | I will use Docker Swarm method because is the simplest one for this demo purposes. Go through Magnum documentation to check other container methods as Kubernetes is.

Create a baymodel with atomic image and swarm, select a flavor with at least 10GB of disk

magnum baymodel-create --name demoswarmbaymodel \
                       --image-id fedora-21-atomic-5 \
                       --keypair-id egonzalez \
                       --external-network-id public \
                       --dns-nameserver \
                       --flavor-id testflavor \
                       --docker-volume-size 1 \
                       --coe swarm
| Property            | Value                                |
| http_proxy          | None                                 |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| master_flavor_id    | None                                 |
| fixed_network       | None                                 |
| uuid                | 887edbc7-0805-4796-be78-dfcddad8eb03 |
| no_proxy            | None                                 |
| https_proxy         | None                                 |
| tls_disabled        | False                                |
| keypair_id          | egonzalez                            |
| public              | False                                |
| labels              | {}                                   |
| docker_volume_size  | 1                                    |
| external_network_id | public                               |
| cluster_distro      | fedora-atomic                        |
| image_id            | fedora-21-atomic-5                   |
| registry_enabled    | False                                |
| apiserver_port      | None                                 |
| name                | demoswarmbaymodel                    |
| created_at          | 2016-03-19T17:22:43+00:00            |
| network_driver      | None                                 |
| ssh_authorized_key  | None                                 |
| coe                 | swarm                                |
| flavor_id           | testflavor                           |
| dns_nameserver      |                              |

Create a bay with the previous bay model, we are going to create one master node and one worker, specify all that apply to your environment

magnum bay-create --name demoswarmbay --baymodel demoswarmbaymodel --master-count 1 --node-count 1
| Property           | Value                                |
| status             | None                                 |
| uuid               | a2388916-db30-41bf-84eb-df0b65979eaf |
| status_reason      | None                                 |
| created_at         | 2016-03-19T17:23:00+00:00            |
| updated_at         | None                                 |
| bay_create_timeout | 0                                    |
| api_address        | None                                 |
| baymodel_id        | 887edbc7-0805-4796-be78-dfcddad8eb03 |
| node_count         | 1                                    |
| node_addresses     | None                                 |
| master_count       | 1                                    |
| discovery_url      | None                                 |
| name               | demoswarmbay                         |

Check bay status, for now it should be in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state

magnum bay-show demoswarmbay
| Property           | Value                                |
| status             | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                   |
| uuid               | a2388916-db30-41bf-84eb-df0b65979eaf |
| status_reason      |                                      |
| created_at         | 2016-03-19T17:23:00+00:00            |
| updated_at         | 2016-03-19T17:23:01+00:00            |
| bay_create_timeout | 0                                    |
| api_address        | None                                 |
| baymodel_id        | 887edbc7-0805-4796-be78-dfcddad8eb03 |
| node_count         | 1                                    |
| node_addresses     | []                                   |
| master_count       | 1                                    |
| discovery_url      | None                                 |
| name               | demoswarmbay                         |

If all is going fine, nova should have two new instances(in ACTIVE state), one for the master node and second for the worker.

nova list
| ID                                   | Name                                                  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                                                                      |
| e38eb88c-bb6b-427d-a2c5-cdfe868796f0 | de-44kx2l4q4wc-0-d6j5svvjxmne-swarm_node-xafkm2jskf5j | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | demoswarmbay-agf6y3qnjoyw-fixed_network-g37bcmc52akv=, |
| 5acc579d-152a-4656-9eb8-e800b7ab3bcf | demoswarmbay-agf6y3qnjoyw-swarm_master-fllwhrpuabbq   | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | demoswarmbay-agf6y3qnjoyw-fixed_network-g37bcmc52akv=, |

You can see how heat stack is going

heat stack-list
| id                                   | stack_name                | stack_status       | creation_time       | updated_time |
| 3a64fa60-4df8-498f-aceb-a0cb8cfc0b18 | demoswarmbay-agf6y3qnjoyw | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:22:59 | None         |

We can see what tasks are executing during stack creation

heat event-list demoswarmbay-agf6y3qnjoyw
| resource_name                       | id                                   | resource_status_reason | resource_status    | event_time          |
| demoswarmbay-agf6y3qnjoyw           | 004c9388-b8ab-4541-ada8-99b65203e41d | Stack CREATE started   | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:01 |
| master_wait_handle                  | d6f0798a-bfde-4bad-9c73-e108bd101009 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:01 |
| secgroup_manager                    | e2e0eb08-aeeb-4290-9ad5-bd20fe243f07 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:02 |
| disable_selinux                     | d7290592-ab81-4d7a-b2fa-902975904a25 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:03 |
| agent_wait_handle                   | 65ec5553-56a4-4416-9748-bfa0ae35737a | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:03 |
| add_proxy                           | 46bdcff8-4606-406f-8c99-7f48adc4de57 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:03 |
| write_docker_socket                 | ab5402ea-44af-4433-84aa-a63256817a9a | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:04 |
| make_cert                           | 3b9817a5-606f-41ab-8799-b411c017f05d | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:04 |
| cfn_signal                          | 0add665a-3fdf-4408-ab15-76332aa326fe | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:04 |
| remove_docker_key                   | 94f4106e-f139-4d9f-9974-8821d04be103 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:05 |
| configure_swarm                     | f7e0ebd5-1893-43d1-bd29-81a7e39de0c0 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:05 |
| extrouter                           | a94a8f68-c237-4dbc-9513-cdbe3de1465e | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:05 |
| enable_services                     | c250f532-99bd-43d7-9d15-b2d3ae16567a | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:06 |
| write_docker_service                | 2c9d8954-4446-4578-a871-0910e8996571 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:06 |
| cloud_init_wait_handle              | 6cc51d2d-56e9-458b-a21b-bc553e0c8291 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:06 |
| fixed_network                       | 3125395f-c689-4481-bf01-94bb2f701993 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:07 |
| agent_wait_handle                   | 2db801e8-c2b5-47b0-ac16-122dba3a22d6 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| remove_docker_key                   | 75e2c7a6-a2ce-4026-aeeb-739c4a522f48 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| secgroup_manager                    | ac51a029-26c1-495a-bc13-232cfb8c1060 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| write_docker_socket                 | 58e08b52-a12a-43e9-b41d-071750294024 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| master_wait_handle                  | 3e741b76-6470-47d4-b13e-3f8f446be53c | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| cfn_signal                          | 96c26b4f-1e99-478e-a8e5-9dcc4486e1b3 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| enable_services                     | beedc358-ee72-4b34-a6b9-1b47ffc15306 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| add_proxy                           | caae3a07-d5f1-4eb0-8a82-02ea634f77ae | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| make_cert                           | 79363643-e5e4-4d1b-ad8a-5a56e1f6a8e7 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:08 |
| cloud_init_wait_handle              | 0457b008-6da8-44fd-abef-cb99bd4d0518 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:09 |
| configure_swarm                     | baf1e089-c627-4b24-a571-63b3c9c14e28 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:09 |
| extrouter                           | 184614d9-2280-4cb4-9253-f538463dbdf4 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:09 |
| write_docker_service                | 80e66b4e-d40a-4243-bb27-0d2a6b68651f | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:09 |
| disable_selinux                     | d8a64822-2571-4dcf-9da5-b3ec73e771eb | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:09 |
| fixed_network                       | 528b0ced-23f6-4c22-8cbc-357ba0ee5bc5 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:09 |
| write_swarm_manager_failure_service | 9fa100a3-b4a9-465c-8b33-dd000cb4866a | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:10 |
| write_swarm_agent_failure_service   | a7c09833-929e-4711-a3e9-39923d23b2f2 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:10 |
| fixed_subnet                        | 23d8b0a6-a7a3-4f71-9c18-ba6255cf071a | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:10 |
| write_swarm_master_service          | d24a6099-3cad-41ce-8d4b-a7ad0661aaea | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:11 |
| fixed_subnet                        | 1a2b7397-1d09-4544-bb9f-985c2f64cb09 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:13 |
| write_swarm_manager_failure_service | 615a2a7a-5266-487b-bbe1-fcaa82f43243 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:13 |
| write_swarm_agent_failure_service   | 3f8c54b4-6644-49a0-ad98-9bc6b4332a07 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:13 |
| write_swarm_master_service          | 2f58b3c8-d1cc-4590-a328-0e775e495bcf | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:13 |
| extrouter_inside                    | f3da7f2f-643e-4f29-a00f-d2595d7faeaf | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:14 |
| swarm_master_eth0                   | 1d6a510d-520c-4796-8990-aa8f7dd59757 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:16 |
| swarm_master_eth0                   | 3fd85913-7399-49be-bb46-5085ff953611 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:19 |
| extrouter_inside                    | 33749e30-cbea-4093-b36a-94967e299002 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:19 |
| write_heat_params                   | 054e0af5-e3e0-4bc0-92b5-b40aeedc39ab | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:19 |
| swarm_nodes                         | df7af58c-8148-4b51-bd65-b0734d9051b5 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:20 |
| write_swarm_agent_service           | ab1e8b1e-2837-4693-b791-e1311f85fa63 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:21 |
| swarm_master_floating               | d99ffe66-cb02-4279-99dc-a1f3e2ca817c | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:22 |
| write_heat_params                   | 33d9999f-6c93-453d-8565-ac99db021f8f | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:25 |
| write_swarm_agent_service           | 02a1b7f6-2660-4345-ad08-42b66ffaaad5 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:25 |
| swarm_master_floating               | 8ce6ecd8-c421-4e4a-ab81-cba4b5ccedf4 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:25 |
| swarm_master_init                   | 3787dcc8-e644-412b-859b-63a434b9ee6c | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:26 |
| swarm_master_init                   | a1dd67bb-49c7-4507-8af0-7758b76b57e1 | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:28 |
| swarm_master                        | d12b915e-3087-4e17-9954-8233926b504b | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:29 |
| swarm_master                        | a34ad52a-def7-460b-b5b7-410000207b3e | state changed          | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-03-19T17:23:48 |
| master_wait_condition               | 0c9331a4-8ad0-46e0-bf2a-35943021a1a3 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:49 |
| cloud_init_wait_condition           | de3707a0-f46a-44a9-b4b8-ff50e12cc77f | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:49 |
| agent_wait_condition                | a1a810a4-9c19-4983-aaa8-e03f308c1e39 | state changed          | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-03-19T17:23:49 |

Once all tasks are completed, we can create containers in the bay we created in previous steps.

magnum container-create --name demo-container \
                        --image \
                        --bay demoswarmbay \
                        --command "ping -c 4"
| Property   | Value                                  |
| uuid       | 36595858-8657-d465-3e5a-dfcddad8a238   |
| links      | ...                                    |
| bay_uuid   | a2388916-db30-41bf-84eb-df0b65979eaf   |
| updated_at | None                                   |
| image      | cirros                                 |
| command    | ping -c 4                |
| created_at | 2016-03-19T17:30:00+00:00              |
| name       | demo-container                         |

| Container is created, but not started. | Start the container

magnum container-start demo-container

Check container logs, you should see 4 pings succeed to our external router gateway.

magnum container-logs demo-container

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.083 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.068 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.099 ms

You can delete the container

magnum container-delete demo-container

While doing this demo, i missed adding branch name while cloning Magnum source code, when i installed Magnum all package dependencies where installed from master, who was Mitaka instead of Liberty, which broke my environment.

I suffered the following issues:

Issues with packages

ImportError: No module named MySQLdb

Was solved installing MySQL-python from pip instead of yum

pip install MySQL-python

Issues with policies, admin privileges weren\'t recognized by Magnum api.

PolicyNotAuthorized: magnum-service:get_all{{ bunch of stuff }} disallowed by policy

Was solved removing admin_api rule at Magnum policy.json file

vi /etc/magnum/policy.json

#    "admin_api": "rule:context_is_admin",

| Unfortunately, nova was completely broken and it was not working at all, so i installed a new environment and added branch while cloning source code. | Next issue i found was Barbican, who was not installed, i used the steps mentioned at this post to solve this issue.

Hope this guide helps you integrating Magnum Container as a Service in OpenStack.

Regards, Eduardo Gonzalez

Last updated