OWASP Dependency-track
Installation an example usages
Add dependency-track helm repository
helm repo add dependency-track https://dependencytrack.github.io/helm-charts
Deploy depencency-track helm chart, hostname is my minikube instance. Use the appropiate hostname for your environment
helm upgrade --install dtrack dependency-track/dependency-track \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hostname=dtrack.$(minikube ip).nip.io
Browse to your ingress kubectl get ingress -o yaml | awk '/host/ {print$3}'
Default username and password are admin/admin, you must change them before do anything
Create a new team at <URL>/admin/accessManagement/teams
On the new team generate an API KEY
Add required permissions, at least BOM upload
Download an example git repository
git clone https://github.com/xNaaro/vulnerable_python.git
cd vulnerable_python
Install syft to create an example SBOM of the above repository
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anchore/syft/main/install.sh | sh -s -- -b /tmp/
Create an SBOM of the example repository
/tmp/syft . -o cyclonedx-json > cyclonedx.json
✔ Indexed file system .
✔ Cataloged contents cdb4ee2aea69cc6a83331bbe96dc2caa9a299d21329efb0336fc02a82
├── ✔ Packages [1 packages]
├── ✔ File digests [1 files]
├── ✔ File metadata [1 locations]
└── ✔ Executables [0 executables]
[0000] WARN no explicit name and version provided for directory source, deriving artifact ID
Upload SBOM to dependency-check
curl -X "POST" "http://dtrack." \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "X-API-Key: odt_Wrz6kL1YBcw3tyrCDT7oJvHcYrFaPACV" \
-F "autoCreate=true" \
-F "projectName=vulnerablepython" \
-F 'bom=@./cyclonedx.json'
Now in your frontend server should have a project called vulnerablepython with flask as vulnerable package
First installation of dependency-track may take for a while to update vulnerabilities lists