Falco real time runtime thread detection on k8s

Installation and usage of falco inside kubernetes


Install falco helm repository

helm repo add falcosecurity https://falcosecurity.github.io/charts
helm repo update

Deploy falco using helm.

In this demo we also enabled the graphical dashboard UI

helm upgrade --install \
  --namespace falco \
  --create-namespace \
  falco falcosecurity/falco \
  --set falcosidekick.enabled=true \
  --set falcosidekick.webui.enabled=true

Wait for the pods to be ready

Create a demo deployment

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx

Once pods are ready execute a call in /etc/shadow file which will trigger a warning in falco

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods --selector=app=nginx -o name) -- cat /etc/shadow

Verify that the warning has been triggered

kubectl logs -l app.kubernetes.io/name=falco -n falco -c falco | egrep -i warning
{"hostname":"minikube","output":"15:41:04.268296715: Warning Sensitive file opened for reading by non-trusted program (file=/etc/shadow gparent=systemd ggparent=<NA> gggparent=<NA> evt_type=openat user=root user_uid=0 user_loginuid=-1 process=cat proc_exepath=/usr/bin/cat parent=containerd-shim command=cat /etc/shadow terminal=34816 container_id=ff95ee645d8a container_image=nginx container_image_tag=latest container_name=k8s_nginx_nginx-676b6c5bbc-m86bn_default_fda2eefb-4c21-4a46-ac55-bcdbfc58936b_0 k8s_ns=<NA> k8s_pod_name=<NA>)","output_fields":{"container.id":"ff95ee645d8a","container.image.repository":"nginx","container.image.tag":"latest","container.name":"k8s_nginx_nginx-676b6c5bbc-m86bn_default_fda2eefb-4c21-4a46-ac55-bcdbfc58936b_0","evt.time":1735573264268296715,"evt.type":"openat","fd.name":"/etc/shadow","k8s.ns.name":null,"k8s.pod.name":null,"proc.aname[2]":"systemd","proc.aname[3]":null,"proc.aname[4]":null,"proc.cmdline":"cat /etc/shadow","proc.exepath":"/usr/bin/cat","proc.name":"cat","proc.pname":"containerd-shim","proc.tty":34816,"user.loginuid":-1,"user.name":"root","user.uid":0},"priority":"Warning","rule":"Read sensitive file untrusted","source":"syscall","tags":["T1555","container","filesystem","host","maturity_stable","mitre_credential_access"],"time":"2024-12-30T15:41:04.268296715Z"}


To access the web UI you can port-forward the service or create an ingress.

We will create an ingress.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: falco-ingress
    - host: "falco."
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: falco-falcosidekick-ui
                  number: 2802

Create the ingress in the falco namespace

kubectl apply -f falco-ingress.yaml -n falco

In my example you can access the dashboard using http://falco.

Username admin and password admin by default.

Custom rules

Create a file with your custom rules falco_custom_rules_cm.yaml

Here is an example to trigger alert when a container executes id command

Custom rules documentation https://falco.org/docs/rules/basic-elements/

  custom-rules.yaml: |-
    - rule: id_usage
      desc: id usage
      condition: >
        evt.type = execve and
        evt.dir = < and
        container.id != host and 
        proc.name = id    
      output: >
        id command is used 
        (user=%user.name container_id=%container.id container_name=%container.name 
        shell=%proc.name parent=%proc.pname cmdline=%proc.cmdline)    
      priority: CRITICAL

Update the helm with custom rules

helm upgrade --namespace falco falco falcosecurity/falco \
  --namespace falco \
  --create-namespace \
  --set tty=true \
  --set falcosidekick.enabled=true \
  --set falcosidekick.webui.enabled=true \
  -f falco_custom_rules_cm.yaml

Trigger warning

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods --selector=app=nginx -o name) -- id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Check falco logs to verify alert is triggered

kubectl logs -l app.kubernetes.io/name=falco -n falco -c falco -f | egrep -i nginx

17:11:28.144420277: Critical id command is used  (user=root container_id=4720698b7671 container_name=k8s_nginx_nginx-676b6c5bbc-2xrkd_default_deae5c43-68c3-49c5-b6fc-15ed60125834_0  shell=id parent=runc cmdline=id) container_id=4720698b7671 container_image=nginx container_image_tag=latest container_name=k8s_nginx_nginx-676b6c5bbc-2xrkd_default_deae5c43-68c3-49c5-b6fc-15ed60125834_0 k8s_ns=<NA> k8s_pod_name=<NA>

Last updated

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