When init this will deploy a registry and a couple more pods into the destination cluster
zarf tools download-init
zarf init --confirm
In this guide we will deploy falco for real time threat detection in kuberentes, config files are an example. Adapt to your needs.
Create a file zarf.yaml with the following data, images can be found with a command later on this guide
kind: ZarfPackageConfig
name: falco
version: 4.20.1
description: |
"A Zarf Package that deploys Falco Security for real time runtime threat detection"
- name: falco
description: |
"Deploys the falcosecurity falco chart into the cluster"
required: true
- name: falco
url: https://falcosecurity.github.io/charts
version: 4.20.1
namespace: falco
- values.yaml
- docker.io/falcosecurity/falco-driver-loader:0.40.0
- docker.io/falcosecurity/falco:0.40.0-debian
- docker.io/falcosecurity/falcoctl:0.11.0
# Cosign artifacts for images - falco - falco
- index.docker.io/falcosecurity/falco-driver-loader:sha256-8bb7b51adf6598c5d9c90d2f3e55724212e6282afbd26f0ba428db9c0c417fbf.sig
- index.docker.io/falcosecurity/falco:sha256-bfa486ca137359e90401f6121e52065e99bff44a949c02229fd0df467386fcaa.sig
- index.docker.io/falcosecurity/falcoctl:sha256-4b590b9c49a881a55f6c3121c235057951418d726a9c43c4e1dbe3a5fcf358d3.sig
- index.docker.io/falcosecurity/falcoctl:sha256-4b590b9c49a881a55f6c3121c235057951418d726a9c43c4e1dbe3a5fcf358d3.att
This command will output the list of images to include into zarf.yaml
zarf dev find-images
Generate a values.yml with the configuration you need, in this example I'm adding a custom rule for testing
custom-rules.yaml: |-
- rule: id_usage
desc: id usage
condition: >
evt.type = execve and
evt.dir = < and
container.id != host and
proc.name = id
output: >
id command is used
(user=%user.name container_id=%container.id container_name=%container.name
shell=%proc.name parent=%proc.pname cmdline=%proc.cmdline)
priority: CRITICAL
Validate there is no errors in the config files.
zarf dev lint .
Generate a tar file with the images and config
zarf package create . --confirm
Deploy the package into the cluster, this will push images into local registry and invoke helm to deploy the resources in the chart.