Welcome to egonzalez blog

My name is Eduardo Gonzalez, also know as egonzalez in OpenStack and NFV communities and xNaaro in hacking groups.

I'm a passionate Open Source advocate who has been independently contributing to OpenStack for over 4 years, served as Project Team Lead (PTL) in OpenStack Kolla project and still being a core reviewer. Also I've contributed to many other Open Source projects related to NFV, Python, Ansible, security tools, etc.

My main specializations are:

  • Containerize OpenStack services

  • Python Software Development

  • SDN, NFV and Edge integration and deployment

  • Infrastructure as Code (primarily Ansible)

  • Docker and k8s

  • Design and implement complex upgrade procedures

Recently I've been pushing hard to increase my skills about hacking, pentesting and bug bounty.


  • I like do code reviews

  • I like do mentoring

  • I like innovate and learn new things, routine is boring

  • Try harder as rule


Last updated